Tuesday, 1 January 2013

100 day spending ban

100 day spending ban - ooopsy!

100 day spending ban

So I've seen that a lot of bloggers have been doing a spending ban! I've decided the hop on the bandwagon since i have £800 of debt i need to clear! Wonga is not my friend, neither are overdrafts! I think that after the 100 days I can easily have cleared my debt and finally have money free to buy things that I want! i'll be reviewing products i have been bought for Christmas or samples i have been sent rather than buying anything new. the rules are easy! i cannot spend ANYTHING or buy ANYTHING unless it is going towards paying off my debt! I am going to give my dad by bankcard, so nothing at all will be spent! i am going to clear out my wardrobe and sell a lot of clothes, and hope that once these 100 days are over i will have gained a lot of knowledge about saving money and will have developed better habits towards money.

wish me luck.


  1. Good luck, do you have a twitter I can follow you on :)

  2. Best of luck, I know I couldn't do that XD :D

  3. Good luck :)
    Mine finishes on 24th January so not long now!

  4. I don't think I could do this, not for 100 days anyway especially with the sales (I'm not helping am I)!

    Good luck though!


  5. Good luck! I'm also doing the challenge!

